I stopped generating Heat, got rid of my advanced minions and set about reorganizing. At one point, I even got rid of all of my outposts and just tried to 'start fresh'. If you do the Schemes that supposedly affect their troops? They instantly appear INSIDE your base after the Scheme you just used a half-dozen guards and valets to do is finished, resulting in a 'fuck you' scenario.

It's either multiple firebombs from Blue Saint, an empty vault thanks to Symmetry, or my entire army of minions being decimated by Steele, with a constantly snowballing 'inevitable failure' scenario no matter what kind of 'defenses' I put in place, because they ignore them entirely. regardless of whether I've even been active on the world stage or not. A one-hit-kill on any Guard or Minion, with triple the stats of any Henchman, and they attack the base every 5-10 minutes. I hit the same point of the story, 6hrs in, and suddenly I've got teleporting, disguised and/or invisible Super Agents strolling through all of my minions like they don't exist. So I started over with a fresh playthrough, figuring I could do things better next time and play safer. "I rushed and expanded too much, it's my own fault!", I figured, cutting the game some slack.

I hit a point about 8hrs in where the game became almost completely unplayable.