
Portal 2 lab rat
Portal 2 lab rat

portal 2 lab rat

What you may not have known is that Valve created a comic book that chronicles the gap between the end of Portal 1 and the beginning of Portal 2, and your character (Chell) ends up back inside the facility. Great job, Valve, for pulling me back into Aperture Science within 27 pages.If you do not know what Portal is, then you are dead to me! DEAD! But since I know everyone knows of Portal that won’t be an issue. I would highly suggest this to Portal Fans out there, it actually explains a lot. (I wish Valve would make another great addition to the series! *cough* Three! *cough*) Overall, a really great, short (sadly) book, I’ve never seen anything quite like it. This was an amazing addition to the series.

portal 2 lab rat

It was very chaotic and disorganized but it brought me back to running around in Portal and seeing the artwork.

portal 2 lab rat

The art style, in a way, reflected Doug’s Schizophrenia.

portal 2 lab rat

now, I finally read it! I loved the little callbacks to the game (Cave Johnson’s Prerecorded Message, GLaDOS’ obsession with Neurotoxin, ect.), it really made me connect with the characters and his backstory. After playing the absolutely amazing Portal 2, I kinda put it off. But I had to wait until I finished Portal 2 to read it. I love the Portal series with a passion, one of my friends told me about this when I first played Portal. The artists worked with the game's writers, Laidlaw, Faliszek, Wolpaw, Pinkerton and team leader Josh Weir, to tie the comic's story to the plot of Portal 2. This comic, made available online about two weeks before Portal 2's release, includes Wicklund's art contrasted against Oeming's own style and layout along with an overall story written by Ted Kosmatka. To help develop the history of Aperture Science, and the span of time between Portal and Portal 2, Valve expanded upon the unseen character of the "Rat Man" in both Portal 2 and through a digital comic, "Portal 2: Lab Rat", whose storyline takes place between the two games. To help develop the history of Aperture Science, and the span of time between Portal and This comic, made available online about two weeks before Portal 2's release, includes Wicklund's art

Portal 2 lab rat